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Order this document by MC1378/DMC1378Color Television CompositeVideo Overlay SynchronizerThe MC1378 is a bipolar composite video overlay encoder andmicrocomputer synchronizer. The MC1378 contains the complete encoderfunction of the MC1377, i.e., quadrature color modulators, RGB matrix, andblanking level clamps, plus a complete complement of synchronizers to locka microcomputer–based video source to any remote video source. TheMC1378 can be used as a local system timing and encoding source, but it ismost valuable when used to lock the microcomputer source to a remotelyoriginated video signal.•Contains All Needed Reference OscillatorsCOLOR TELEVISIONCOMPOSITE VIDEO OVERLAYSYNCHRONIZERSEMICONDUCTORTECHNICAL DATAP SUFFIXPLASTIC PACKAGECASE 711401••••••Can Be Operated in PAL or NTSC Mode, 625 or 525 LineWideband, Full–Fidelity Color EncodingLocal or Remote Modes of OperationMinimal External ComponentsDesigned to Operate from 5.0 V supplyWill Work with non standard Video1FN SUFFIXPLASTIC PACKAGECASE 777(PLCC–44)PIN CONNECTIONSLocal/Rem.H. PLL FilterH. VCO1 (1)2 (2)3 (3)4 (4)5 (5)6 (7)7 (8)8 (9)9 (10)(44) 40(43) 39(42) 38(41) 37(40) 36(38) 35(37) 34(36) 33(35) 32H. Sync InComp. Sync OutV. Out/Sync InClock PLL FilterClock VCCClock OutputClock Ground{Burst Gate OutPAL/NTSC ModeGround3.58/4.43 InChroma PLL Filter}Clock VCOKiller FilterQuad. Loop FilterPAL Indent. CapVCCComp. Vid. OutGroundOverlay EnableRem. Vid. InACC Filter–Y InputRem. Vid. ClampFigure 1. Simplified ApplicationChroma VCO{10 (11) (34) 3111 (12) (33) 3012 (13) (32) 2913 (14) (31) 2814 (15) (30) 2715 (16) (29) 2616 (18) (27) 2517 (19) (26) 2418 (20) (25) 2319 (21) (24) 2220 (22) (23) 2136MHz Master ClockH Sync3.58/4.43MHzVert/Comp SyncVideoSystemRedGreenBlueVideo EnableLocal/RemoteCompositeOverplayedVideoMC1378RemoteVideoR–Y ClampB–Y ClampR InputG InputB Input–Y OutputChroma OutLoc. Vid. ClampChroma In* ( ) PLCC Pin AssignmentsORDERING INFORMATIONDevice525/60625/50PAL/NTSCMC1378PMC1378FNOperatingTemperature RangeTA = 0° to +70°CPackagePlastic DIPPLCC–44Rev 0©Motorola, Inc. 1996MOTOROLA ANALOG IC DEVICE DATA1MC1378MAXIMUM RATINGSRatingSupply VoltageOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureJunction TemperaturePower Dissipation, PackageDerate above 25°CSymbolVCCTATstgTJ(max)PDValue6.00 to +70–65 to +1501501.2510UnitVdc°C°C°CWmW/°CRECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSConditionSupply VoltageRGB Input for 100% SaturationColor Oscillator Input LevelVideo Input, PositivePin28, 3614, 15, 16824Value5.4± CHARACTERISTICS(VCC = 5.0 V, TA = 25°C, circuit of Figure 4 or 5)CharacteristicsSupply CurrentVideo Output, Open Circuit, PositiveModulation Angle (R – Y) to (B – Y)RGB Input ImpedanceLocal/Remote Switch (TTL)Horizontal Sync Input, Negative GoingVertical Sync Output, Negative Going,Remote ModeComposite Sync Output, Negative GoingBurst Gate Output, Positive GoingHighLow(TTL)(TTL)(TTL)(TTL)395––4.34.3––VppVppPin28, 3627–14, 15, 1614038Min––87––––Typ1002.09010RemoteLocal4.34.3Max–9.493––––UnitmAdcVppDegreeskΩ–VppVppDescription of Operation –Refer to Figures 3, 4Remote ModeThe incoming remote video signal (Pin 24) supplies allsynchronizing information. A discussion of the function of thephase detectors helps to clarify the lockup method:PD1locks the internally counted–down 4 MHz horizontal VCOto the incoming horizontal sync. It is fast acting, to followVCR source fluctuations.PD2locks the 36 MHz clock VCO, which is divided down bythe video system, to the divided down horizontal VCO.PD3is a gated phase detector which locks the 14 MHz crystaloscillator, divided by 4, to the incoming color burst.PD4controls an internal phase shifter to assure that theoutgoing color burst is the same phase as incoming burstat PD3.PD5not used in REMOTE MODEVertical lock is obtained by continuously resetting the syncgenerator in the video system with separated vertical sync from theMC1378, Pin 38. This signal is TTL level vertical block sync,negative going. The horizontal sync from the video system to Pin 40is also TTL level with sync negative going. The local/remote switch,Pin 1, is in local mode when grounded, remote mode when takento 5.0 V. The overlay control, Pin 25, has an analog characteristic,centered about 1.0 V, which allows fading from local to remote.Local ModeThe MC1378 and a video system combine to provide a fullysynchronized standard signal source. In this case, composite syncmust be supplied by the video system or other time base system.In the MC1378 the phase detectors operate as follows:PD1locks the internally counted–down 4 MHz horizontal VCOto a Horizontal Sync signal (at Pin 40) from the videosystem (counted down from 36 MHz)PD2not used in LOCAL MODE.PD3not used in LOCAL MODE.PD4active, but providing an arbitrary phase shift settingbetween the color oscillator and the output burst phase.PD5locks the 36 MHz clock VCO (which is divided down bythe video system) to the 14 MHz (crystal) color oscillator.The 14 MHz is, therefore, the system standard in LOCALMODE, and is not DC controlled.COMPOSITE VIDEO GENERATIONThe color encoding at the RGB signals is done exactly as inthe MC1377. Composite chroma is looped out at Pins 18 and 20to allow the designer to choose band shaping. Luminance issimilarly brought out (Pins 17 and 22) to permit installation ofthe appropriate delay.Composite sync output, Pin 39, and burst gate output, Pin 5,are provided for convenience only.2MOTOROLA ANALOG IC DEVICE DATAFigure 2. Representative Block DiagramClockOutBurst Gate Out35.8/4.43MHz In+5.0 VFigure 2.+5.0 VClockV CC378305283635ClockGnd344RPD5Divide by 256 CounterHHORIZVCOLBRRLPD2PD1PD4PD3Divide by 4 Ring CounterBG90–270PhaseShiftKillACCDetDETKillProcBG2BurstFlagDecoderBurstFlagDecoder34 MHzCerRes35.8/35.5MHz33ClockVCO32MOTOROLA ANALOG IC DEVICE DATA0 – 180PhaseShiftLRH Sync In39LR1B–YClampPALF/FR–YClampH/2IdentDetLocal/RemoteIdentProcLBGL Clamp VideoVertSync SepLocalVideoClampFastVideoSwitchRemoteVideoClampLRACCAMP17–YOutChroma In–YIn2220ChromaOut18231925OverlayEnableGndVideoOutV CCRemoteVideo In2731292421VRefRCompSync Out40B–YModModR–YLoc/RemSwitches38Vert. OutComp. Sync InCompSync Sep7/2691114.32/17.73MHz104XSCVCOMC1378PAL/NTSC6PAL/NTSCCont121314B–YRGBIn1516ColorDiffandLumaMatrixR–Y3MC1378Figure 3. Remote ModeOverlay EnableMaster Clock 35.8/35.5MHzV. Sync0.0331.0µF+47k470.04736pF40LocalVideoSource393837363534333231302928272625242322211.2kTDKSDL–430136MHzClock+ 5 VideoVCC OutRemoteVideoIn÷2275÷2270H Sync0.004710µF+750.110µFCompSyncOut0.0010.30.001µH0.1470k0.1++1.0µF+1.0µF1.2k123680Local/1.8kRemote0.022+(High)456789101112131415161 7100/621819200.0014MHzCerPAL NTSC 0.001ResGateOut2.2k0.011.015Burst14.32/+ 17.73 MHz0.120pF1.0µF2200.1+10µF+10µF+10µFTOKO166NNF10264AG+1.0µF3.3k47/33RGBFigure 4. Local ModeOverlay EnableMaster Clock 35.8/35.5MHzComposite Sync 0.03336MHzClock+ 5 VideoVCC Out÷2275÷22700.0047CompSyncOut1.0µF+47k470.0470.0010.0010.3µH0.1470k0.1+750.1+1.0µF+1.0µFH Sync36pF40393837363534333231302928272625242322211.2kTDKSDL–4301÷10÷81LocalVideoSource1.2k23680Local/1.8kRemote0.022+(High)456789101112131415161 7100/621819200.0014MHzCerPAL NTSC 0.001ResGateOut2.2k0.011.015Burst14.32/+ 17.73MHz0.120pF2200.1+10µF+10µF+10µFTOKO166NNF10264AG+1.0µF3.3k47/33RGB4MOTOROLA ANALOG IC DEVICE DATAMC1378OUTLINE DIMENSIONSP SUFFIXPLASTIC PACKAGECASE 711–03ISSUE C4021NOTES:1. POSITIONAL TOLERANCE OF LEADS (D), SHALLBE WITHIN 0.25 (0.010) AT MAXIMUM MATERIALCONDITION, IN RELATION TO SEATING PLANEAND EACH OTHER.2. DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF LEADS WHENFORMED PARALLEL.3. DIMENSION B DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH.DIMABCDFGHJKLMNMILLIMETERSMINMAX51.6952.4513.7214.223.945.080.360.561.021.522.54 BSC1.652.160.200.382.923.4315.24 BSC0_15_0.511.02INCHESMINMAX2.0352.0650.5400.5600.1550.2000.0140.0220.0400.0600.100 BSC0.0650.0850.0080.0150.1150.1350.600 BSC0_15_0.0200.040B120ANLCJHGFDKSEATINGPLANEM–N–YBRKDFN SUFFIXPLASTIC PACKAGECASE 777–02(PLCC–44)ISSUE CB0.007(0.180)MTUL–MSNSS0.007(0.180)MTL–MNSZ–L––M–V441WDXVIEW D–DG10.010 (0.25)STL–MSNSARZ0.007(0.180)MT0.007(0.180)MTL–ML–MSSNNSSH0.007(0.180)MTL–MSNSJCGG10.010 (0.25)SE0.004 (0.10)–T–SEATINGPLANEK1KF0.007(0.180)MTVIEW SL–MSTL–MSNSVIEW SNSNOTES:1. DATUMS –L–, –M–, AND –N– ARE DETERMINEDWHERE TOP OF LEAD SHOULDER EXITS PLASTICBODY AT MOLD PARTING LINE.2. DIMENSION G1, TRUE POSITION TO BE MEASUREDAT DATUM –T–, SEATING PLANE.3. DIMENSIONS R AND U DO NOT INCLUDE MOLDFLASH. ALLOWABLE MOLD FLASH IS 0.010 (0.25) PERSIDE.4. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSIY14.5M, 1982.5. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.6. THE PACKAGE TOP MAY BE SMALLER THAN THEPACKAGE BOTTOM BY UP TO 0.012 (0.300).DIMENSIONS R AND U ARE DETERMINED AT THEOUTERMOST EXTREMES OF THE PLASTIC BODYEXCLUSIVE OF MOLD FLASH, TIE BAR BURRS, GATEBURRS AND INTERLEAD FLASH, BUT INCLUDINGANY MISMATCH BETWEEN THE TOP AND BOTTOMOF THE PLASTIC BODY.7. DIMENSION H DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBARPROTRUSION OR INTRUSION. THE DAMBARPROTRUSION(S) SHALL NOT CAUSE THE HDIMENSION TO BE GREATER THAN 0.037 (0.940).THE DAMBAR INTRUSION(S) SHALL NOT CAUSE THEH DIMENSION TO BE SMALLER THAN 0.025 (0.635).DIMABCEFGHJKRUVWXYZG1K1INCHESMINMAX0.6850.6950.6850.6950.1650.1800.0900.1100.0130.0190.050 BSC0.0260.0320.020–––0.025–––0.6500.6560.6500.6560.0420.0480.0420.0480.0420.056–––0.0202_10_0.6100.6300.040–––MILLIMETERSMINMAX17.4017.6517.4017.654.204.572.292.790.330.481.27 BSC0.660.810.51–––0.64–––16.5116.6616.5116.661.–––0.502_10_15.5016.001.02–––MOTOROLA ANALOG IC DEVICE DATA5
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发布于 : 2021-03-24